SoCal RoundUp

10 Commandments of Golf

Written by Kevin Greenup | Aug 6, 2019 5:51:16 PM

The original Ten Commandments came down Mt. Sinai written in stone, but the Ten Commandments of Golf are more like unwritten rules that every golfer should know. I believe it was Moses himself who said "follow these instructions unless you want to look like a jabroni":

1. Thou shalt play fast

Golf takes long enough as it is. Is that fifth practice swing really going to change your shot? Get up to your ball and hit it already.

2. Thou shalt pickup after max strokes


News flash: nobody cares if you suck. They do care if you spend twenty minutes hacking away on your way to a 15. That’s why USGA created a Maximum Hole Score of Net Double Bogey, which limits the number of strokes you can take on a hole based on your Course Handicap.

3. Thou shalt play ready golf

Linfield University

There's no need to stand around while your buddy searches for his ball in the woods. Hit your ball while they look so that by the time they finally decide to give up and take a drop, you'll be ready to move on.

4. Thou shalt not plumb bob

Let's face it: you don't know what you're doing, you'll probably miss the putt anyways, and you look ridiculous. Take a few second to line up the putt and hit it already.

5. Thou shalt not endlessly whack balls on the range


There's getting some practice in, and then there's torturing yourself. The only way you're actually going to get better is to get out on the course where it counts.

6. Thou shalt not cheat


Seriously. We all know someone that fudges their score or likes to use the old "foot wedge" and hates it. You don't have to be a rules expert, just be honest with your partners and yourself.

7. Thou shalt not drone on about thy game


"Thought that last one would draw a bit more...used my 153 yard swing when I should've gone with the 156...I swear I normally play better than this...I shot 69 last week!" Nobody cares! Some golf talk is fine out on the course, but there are plenty of other things to talk about over the next 4 hours, too.

8. Thou shalt pick up the bar tab after thy hole-in-one.


After maybe your wedding day or the birth of a child, this is the highlight of your life. The least you can do is buy a round for your buddies.

9. Thou shalt join a golf club

Beachside Golf Club

There are a lot of misconceptions and negative perceptions when it comes to the concept of a golf club, but all it really means is joining a group of golfers who share your love and passion for the game. While you may initially join a group for the golf, you’ll likely stay because of the people you meet. What starts with meeting new people and joining in a celebratory drink or two after a round can turn into lifelong friendships. Plus, most clubs hold regular tournaments and events that will truly put your game to your test and help you elevate to the next level.

Think joining a golf club isn't for you? Think again.

10. Thou shalt have a Handicap Index


If you're going to play for something, whether it's skins or bragging rights, the only way to make it fair for all skill levels is to use a Handicap Index. Plus, you'll finally have an answer that isn't a guess when someone asks "what's your handicap?"

Still not sure you need a Handicap Index? Here's 10 more reasons.

Stop living in (golf) sin: Get your Handicap Index here (and save $10 with promo code GHIN) or find a golf club to join here.